Welcome to the AAUW Vienna Area Branch

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September Branch Program

Elections in Fairfax County:
Ensuring Your Vote Counts

Monday, September 30, 2024
Patrick Henry Library
101 Maple Ave. E, Vienna

Program begins at 7 PM

Fairfax County employs a group of experienced election workers who turn out for each election to support the small full-time staff in delivering on their election plan. Jean Thompson, our speaker this evening, is one of these workers.

The group helps with equipment preparation, site arrangements, volunteer support, and the security of materials used in early voting and then later in the county’s 265 election-day precincts. Ms Thompson calls it a “rapid response team,” as the job is different every day and for every election.

They also participate in reconciling results that are used by the county’s Electoral Board to certify the election.

This program is free and open to the public. It is co-sponsored by Patrick Henry Library. Please join us!

Congrats to AAUW 2023-24 Fellows and Grantees!

Since 1888, AAUW has been one of the largest funders of women’s graduate education, investing in women who go on to change the world.

AAUW is excited to announce $6.3 million in funding to nearly 285 fellows and grantees in the 2023-24 award year. These exceptional recipients will pursue academic work and lead innovative community projects to empower women and girls.

For more information about current opportunities, click here.

Get Paid What You’re Worth

Take AAUW Work Smart Online, a free one-hour salary negotiation course. It is designed to help women negotiate for a new job, raise, or promotion.

Sign up now!