Welcome to AAUW Vienna Area (VA) Branch
AAUW Mission: To advance gender equity for women and girls through research, education, and advocacy.

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February Branch Program
Local Author Lisa Munoz Sheds Light on Challenges Faced by Women in Science
3 pm, Saturday, February 8, 2025
Patrick Henry Library, Vienna
Lisa Munoz will discuss her book, Women in Science Now: Stories and Strategies for Achieving Equity, which documents the obstacles women working in science face. The book also offers perspectives on how to make science more equitable and inclusive for all.
Ms. Munoz is a science writer and the founder and president of SciComm Services, a science communications consulting firm. A former journalist and press officer, she has more than twenty years of experience crafting science content for scientists and the public alike. She holds an engineering degree from Cornell University.
Ms. Munoz’s book won a Silver Medal in the Social Change and Social Justice Category at the 2024 Nautilus Book Awards.
This program is free and open to the public.
Recap of January Branch Program
On Jan. 4, State Del. Holly Seibold spoke to 45 AAUW members and the general public about the upcoming Virginia legislative session. Seibold discussed likely legislation and provided a map to points in the legislative process when constituents can express their views and whom they should contact. Her presentation was followed by a lively question and answer session.
At the program we also commemorated this year’s centennial of the founding of AAUW of Virginia. All Virginia AAUW branches have been asked to contribute 100 items to a local charity in honor of the anniversary. The Vienna Area Branch donated 100 pairs of women’s underwear to BRAWS, a nonprofit which provides underwear and menstrual supplies for individuals in Fairfax County women’s shelters. The photo shows AAUW Vienna Co-Presidents presenting our branch contribution to Seibold (in center), who founded BRAWS.
Congrats to AAUW 2023-24 Fellows and Grantees!
Since 1888, AAUW has been one of the largest funders of women’s graduate education, investing in women who go on to change the world.
AAUW is excited to announce $6.3 million in funding to nearly 285 fellows and grantees in the 2023-24 award year. These exceptional recipients will pursue academic work and lead innovative community projects to empower women and girls.
For more information about current opportunities, click here.