Artemis House
For over thirty years, Vienna Area Branch has supported the Fairfax County Women’s Shelter, now called Artemis House. Artemis House is the county’s only 24-hour emergency shelter for victims of domestic and sexual violence, stalking, and human trafficking.
Our support has included the following:
- painting the walls of the shelter
- providing gift cards at the holiday season
- advocating for funds from the county.
Get Out The Vote Campaign

Vienna Branch members help with voter registration.
As part of AAUW’s Get Out the Vote campaign, our branch sponsors voter registration tables at local events and at our annual open house. Branch members also worked on candidate forums with members of the local League of Women Voters in the fall of 2018.
Go to if you need to do any of the following:
1. Register to vote.
2. Update your registration.
3. Apply to vote absentee.
4. View your voter-related information.
To learn more about our community projects, please contact us and include “Community Projects” in the Subject field.